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When you go to the gym, if you are only cardio, you should definitely listen to the benefits of power exercise.
Some of us might think that power exercises are only for athletes, but the truth is not at all! Even if you are not a professional athlete, there are many reasons for adding strength training to your fitness program. Remember, power exercise is not only necessary to be stronger or more muscular, but also to have a healthier body. What other benefits are there?
You have a perfect body and you feel good
With power exercise, calories are burned more efficiently than with cardio exercise, with the level of endorphin rising. You can also be confident that you will gain confidence with your new look. Like having a bikini body for women, or big muscles for men.
Sleep better
The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that regular power exercisers do not fall asleep in a shorter period of time and have a better quality of sleep.
Decreases aging process
According to a study conducted at Duke University, due to the strength exercise, as you get older, the metabolic rate decreases.
Be stronger
According to the American Sports Medicine College, increasing your muscle strength makes you more resistant to injury, and stronger bones make you more resistant to the development of osteoporosis.
You can protect your weight
Maintain body weight by performing regular strength exercises, and significantly reduce the risk of obesity or diabetes.
When you go to another sports center, relax in the lift area. Try new exercises and create a regular exercise routine for your body. Especially having a habit of morning workout routine is a must. Remember, power exercise is for everyone, not only for sportsmen!


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